Buddha and Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautam, the only child of King Suddodhan and Maya Devi who was born and raised around the year 563 BCE at Kapilvastu, Lumbini, Nepal. It is believed that he walked seven steps right after his birth. May be it was the sign for his today's greatness. And during his baptism a sacred astrologer prophesied that Siddhartha would rather be a respectable King or a world renowned inviolable saint. At that time his father was an aristocrat, liable to each rules and regulations of that state. Siddhartha Gautam had every kind of privilege like education at home, luxurious life, number of care taker for his childhood. His life was enclosed by the walls of palace, nowhere to go. Because King Suddodhan had a flinch towards outside world and his son's behavior. Further, he was very concerned to see him as King after his termination.

After all the venture of his father, at the age of 29 Gautam himself became autonomous from the walls of palace. At outside world he perceives the four sights of human life. As he was very unaware about the fact that people are so much miserable in real world. Things he learned while visiting outside were the suffering of normal people like, they get old, sick and die as well as he saw the holly person too. After this visit he thought within himself and there he didn't find any satisfactory answer for these curiosities. From this reason, it leads prince to leave his house and get enlightenment.
Buddhism has been followed from ages around the globe unanimously by a large number of people. Buddhism is an atheistic religion. The devotees do not worship any god. They simply follow the path described by the Lord Buddha. Have their own cultures, beliefs, norms and values. Buddhists follow the deeds and lessons taught by Buddha. It shows its pupil the path of their suffering, thoughts that will eradicate their ignorance and the mercy towards the old and under privileged. Mainly concerned of awakening people from their unsuitable conspicuous act. It says that, we are in pain due to our own acts. If you are transparent from our soul and make yourself believe that all the things happening in our life are a process of nature. Death is the only thing that scares people and they begin to suffer before its occurrence. Lord Buddha has divided our life into three parts namely; Samsara, Karma and Rebirth.
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Samsara means the continuous recurring process of birth and death. Buddha says that we are unable to understand this process and make ourselves suffer a lot. We simply ignore the fact that it is a process of chain. One dies another take birth.
Karma means work. We are in pain because of our own wrong deeds. It is main thing that leads Samsara. As we all know that our work determines future. Similarly, Buddhism says that our suffering is due to our wrong deeds in precious birth. Wrong deeds mean the intention that we approaches to hurt others from our body, speech or mind.
Death is inevitable, there is no any god's creature that does not vanished. It is written in our fate since we conceive birth. In fact it is the only way towards our rebirth.
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