Meditation in Buddhism

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Meditation has always been a major part of religious as well as the spiritual action that is practiced by people who are associated with World religion such as Buddhism, Hinduism. Meditation is a medium to help people to separate themselves from their thoughts and feelings.

In Pali, meditation is known by the word “Bhavana” which literally means “to develop”. Meditation is one of the widely practiced virtually in every religion.
Meditation is a practice, which people practice so that they train their minds or to enter the mode of consciousness and is designed for various purposes like building internal energy, keeping mind calm, develop compassion, enhance the feeling of relaxation, patience, forgiveness, and generosity. Meditation is also used so that people can understand and analyze the state of their mind such anger, hatred, forgiveness etc.
"Meditation is a medium to help people to separate themselves from their thoughts and feelings."
Meditation in Buddhism
Buddhism has always been seen as the medium to calm yourselves through the teachings that Gautama Buddha had left behind for the sole purpose of helping sentient beings in the world to be free from the cycle of life, birth, pain, anger, aging, death and most of all rebirth. It is also known that Lord Buddha attained the state of Enlightenment through meditation. Gautama Buddha’s Dhyana mudra is known as the meditation mudra.
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Why meditate?
"“evam maya shrutam” – Thus have I heard"

The main essence of all Dharma teachings is the commitment to practice. The sole purpose of practicing meditation is to attain short-term, as well as long-term happiness calming both mental, as well as physical tension. Practicing meditation helps to develop mindfulness, concentration, insight, as well as tranquility.
In Buddhism, Buddhist monks always try to avoid the duality. Duality means body and mind act as two different entities. The main way to avoid the problems of duality, Buddhist monks practice meditation and by practicing meditation, body and mind become a single entity. The state of becoming mind and body a single entity helps to create the path to enlightenment.
In early Buddhist tradition, meditation was taken as the part of the Noble Eightfold Path. Right mindfulness, right concentration, and right view are obtained through practicing meditation. Meditation in Buddhism involves turning away one’s awareness from the world that binds oneself to thoughts, feelings and perceptions.
There are various techniques that are being used as to practice meditation. There are various classical meditation techniques that involve the breathing of meditator’s breathing. This meditation technique is also known as Mindfulness of Breathing (anapana sati).
Mindfulness of Breathing
These techniques use breath as an object of concentration. Mindfulness of Breathing is widely used meditation technique and Buddhist monks of the Order of Sangha widely used this classic method. It is also known as calming practice since Mindfulness of Breathing aimed to calm and focus the mind. This technique involves the meditators to notice the wandering mind and bringing back the mind through the breath.
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation is also known as “Metta Bhavana” and it is about bringing positive changes in attitude by gradually developing one’s quality of “loving-acceptance”. This technique is the first types of meditation that develops four qualities of love through systematic development of meditation. These four qualities are friendliness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. This technique also helps to support the practice to keep the mind open and sweet and also support the insight meditation of meditators.
Dhyana Mudra Buddha Statues
Buddha Statues are known as the representation of Buddha as well as the event that took place in the life of Buddha. According to Buddhism, Buddha was in Dhyana Mudra when he attained Nirvana under the Bodhi tree, Bodh Gaya, India. There are numerous Buddha statues in the world that are made in Dhyana Mudra such as Giant Buddha statue in Kamakura. Small Buddha statues with Dhyana Mudra are widely used by Buddhist monks and Buddhist meditators in the community, monasteries, and Buddhist temples.
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