Original Buddhas


Tibetan Monastery

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If we talk about Buddhism in the present time, Dalai Lama is considered as the manifestation and incarnations of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, one of the major Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. And the lineage of Dalai Lama is from Tibetan Buddhist cultures. Buddhism in Tibet is one of the most popular Buddhist traditions in Western part of the world. The influence of His Highness The Dalai Lama in the redevelopment of Buddhism in India, have made Tibet quite popular in the world.

Tibet is a region that lies on the Tibetan Plateau of Asia and is the highest region that can be found in the earth. Tibet is mostly inhabited with Buddhist ethnicities i.e. Monpa, Qiang, Han Chinese, and Hui people. Tibet is also the region with the highest elevation in the earth i.e. Mt. Everest. In other words, Mt. Everest is located on the border of both Nepal as well as Tibet. People in Tibet considered Buddhist very important and Buddhism in Tibet have very strong influence in the day to day life of the people.

Buddhist in Tibet

Buddhist in Tibet

Buddhism in Tibet is respected with quite importance by Tibetan people. The oldest religion ever recorded in the history of Tibet was Bon religion but in the present time, the development of Buddhism in Tibet had totally eclipsed this ancient religion. The influence of Indian Buddhism as well as Nepali Buddhism produced a distinctive Buddhist tradition which was originated from Mahayana Buddhism as well as Vajrayana Buddhism.

Tibetan Buddhism is quite distinctive Buddhist tradition since Tibet was quite secluded region not long ago. Even though Lord Buddha was not born in this region, or teachings of Buddha was not preached in this region, or the death of Lord Buddha was not taken in this region, due to the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, i.e. Dalai Lama, Tibet is one of the best targeted religious sites in the world and the Buddhist practices in Tibet are quite distinctive from other Buddhist religions due to the influence of Tantric Buddhism from ancient Buddhism. Other important features of Buddhism Tibet are Buddhist schools in Tibet. There are four important Buddhist schools that ordained Buddhist disciples and monks, teach sutras for the teachings of Buddha. These four major Buddhist schools are Nyingma Buddhist school, Kagyu Buddhist school, Sakyapa Buddhist School, and Gelugpa Buddhist school.

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Buddhist Monuments in Tibet

Being one of the famous Buddhist countries, Tibet is the home to many important Buddhist monuments. Buddhist pilgrims and devout from all around the globe, visit Tibet due to religious importance of its Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Tibet. Potala Palace of Tibet is one of the most important and most popular Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Tibet since Potala Palace is the residence of His Holiness Dalai lama. Tibet is also popular for their superior artistic expertise in making and crafting Nepal Tibet Buddha statues. Other important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Tibet are Jokhang Temple, Samye Buddhist monastery, Pacho Monastery and etc.

Buddhist in Tibet is also greatly influenced by Buddhist in Nepal since both countries had ancient relationship due to the marriage of Emperor Songtsan Gampo and Nepali Princess Bhrikuti. This relationship between two countries also influenced in the development of Buddhism in Tibet. Princess Bhrikuti brought many Nepali Buddha statues, Buddha images, Newar craftsmen, etc as a part of her dowry. The tradition of Nepali Buddha statues also influence greatly in the tradition of making Tibetan Buddha statues in Tibet. Thus Buddhist in Tibet is somewhat similar to Nepali Buddhism and Buddhist devout in Nepal also follow Tibetan Buddhism especially Nepali Tibetan Ethnicites.

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Our collections of Buddha statues and arts

Antique wooden Thai Lanna Buddha statue

275 euro

Old bronze Burmese Buddha statue

750 euro

Old bronze Nepali Chenrezig statue

3,500 euro

Old wooden Burmese Buddha statue

175 euro

Bronze Ganesha

300 euro

Antique bronze Thai Buddha on Naga snake

500 euro

Antique Burmese limestone Buddha statue

400 euro

Very beautiful and detailed porcelain Guan Yin statue

350 euro

Antique bronze Opiumweight

75 euro

Antique bronze Burmese Buddha statue

3,000 euro

Antique Burmese Buddha statue on throne

2,750 euro

Special antique bronze Shan Buddha

3,000 euro

Set of 6 antique bronze Opium Weights

350 euro

Antique bronze Thai Buddha statue

300 euro

Antique Nyaung-Yan Buddha

950 euro

Antique bronze Opiumweight

75 euro

Old bronze Nepali Tara statue

400 euro

Antique bronze Ganesha statue

125 euro

Antique bronze Thai Buddha statue

300 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha

250 euro

Antique bronze Opium Weight

300 euro

Antique bronze Nepali Buddha statue

450 euro

Antique wooden Thai Ayutthaya Buddha

1,400 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Mandalay Buddha

1,250 euro

Old wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

800 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

1,350 euro

Antique bronze Opium Weight

75 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Shan Buddha

350 euro

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

7,500 euro

Antique bronze Opium Weight

75 euro
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